Submit your research for publication in our second issue of 2025!
Volume 7, Issue 2: Historical Reflections on Society in War and Aftermath
Read more about Submit your research for publication in our second issue of 2025!Volume 7, Issue 2: Historical Reflections on Society in War and Aftermath
Read More Read more about Submit your research for publication in our second issue of 2025!Volume 7, Issue 1: Religion and Global Challenges of the Modern Era
Read More Read more about Submit your research for publication in our first issue of 2025!in the thematic issue 4 (Volum 6) "Formation of linguistic and cultural space and sphere of historical memory of modern Ukraine"
Read More Read more about We invite scientists to publishtopic of issue 3 - "Modern civilizational challenges and migration processes: socio-humanitarian aspects"
Read More Read more about We invite scientists to publish!
We invite you to join the Telegram channel of the electronic journal "Skhid".
Read More Read more about Telegram channel of "SKHID" journalWe invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 2 (Volume 6) "Religious-philosophical discourse of Humanitarian Security in the context of transformations of the Digital Age
The main problematic issues:
- State-confessional relations and Humanitarian Security in the Digital Age
- The impact of Digital transformations on modern religious processes
- Moral and ethical foundations of religious processes in the Digital Age
- Religion and the Internet in the context of Humanitarian Security
- Socio-economic and legal aspects of the activities of religious organizations in the Digital Age
- Worldview and religious and cultural orientations of the "Man of the Digital Age"
- Information wars in the religious segment of the Internet
Read More Read more about We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 2 (Volume 7) "Religious-philosophical discourse of Humanitarian Security in the context of transformations of the Digital AgeDear readers and authors!
The release of the first issue of the journal "Skhid" in 2024 (Volume 6 (1) "Humanitarian factors in the architecture of the national security system" has been postponed to the end of April due to a change in the composition of the co-founders and the need to streamline the founding documents
Thank you for understanding.
Read More Read more about About the postponement of the release date of issue 1 of the jornal "Skhid"The main problematic issues:
The main problematic issues:
digital culture as a new ontology
- humanitarian aspects of computerization and digitalization of society
- methodological principles of digital humanitarianism
- digital technologies in culture
- digitization of museums, libraries and other cultural institutions
- digitization in the field of cultural heritage
- problems and prospects of digital education
- artificial intelligence and man
Read More Read more about We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 3 (Volum 4) "Digital Transformations in Culture"The main problematic issues:
• Church and war: religious, political, social dimensions
• Dominant political ideologies of today and their theological interpretations
• Religion and mentality: global and domestic experience
• Religious studies paradigm of state formation
• State-confessional relations in Ukraine and the world
• Transformation of the European religious map: today's challenges and the search
for inter-religious dialogue
• Religious and ethical problems of our time.
The main problematic issues:
• historical regionalism as an interdisciplinary scientific direction;
• approval of a new “spatial” research paradigm in the modern development of historical regionalism;
• understanding the specificity of historical development at an intermediate level between the national and the local; research of the region as a socio-cultural integrity; histories of urban and rural settlements within regional boundaries; analysis of colonization processes, migrations, communication links, regional features in the development of historical thought as an object-subject sphere of Ukrainian regional history;
• conceptualization of the concept of “methodological foundations of studies on the regional history of Ukraine” in the context of studying life processes of human communities and communicative connections within the boundaries of historically formed regions on the basis of taking into account the peculiarities of Ukrainian regions’ space development;
• regional diversity of Ukraine and confirmation of the practice of its research in the context of individual territories;
• regional dimension in Ukrainian historiography;
• methodological approaches of modern regional history in the field of studying life processes of human communities and communicative connections within historically formed regions.
frequency and topics of issues in 2023
Read More Read more about Issue of the journal "Skhid" in 2023The journal "Skhid" will be published as an electronic specialist publication in the future
Read More Read more about Changes in the form of publication of the journalThe journal “Skhid” has received one-time monetary support from the SUES crowdfunding platform
Read More Read more about Journal support from SUES program
Issues of the “Skhid” journal
Read More Read more about Dear authors and readers of the “Skhid” journal!frequency and topics of issues in 2022
Read More Read more about Issue of the journal "Skhid" in 2022From Issue 1, 2021, the journal organizes its publication model
Read More Read more about From Issue 1, 2021, the journal organizes its publication model“Skhid” journal was included in prestigious Polish list of journals
Czasopismo «Skhid» znalazło się na prestiżowej polskiej liście czasopism
On July 31, 2019 the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland published new list of journals that had been estimated (“pointed”) by it ( Ukrainian journal “Skhid” also entered the list of “pointed” editions and obtained 20 points (its counting number in this list is 29032).
Entering this list is significant scientific and image achievement for the “Skhid» because since this moment all articles of Polish scientists who are published in the journal will give them 20 points (these points will be counted to the achievements of institution represented by the researcher at the moment of publication of the article). It should be also added that articles published in periodical publications that did not join the list by the Ministry will be estimated at not above 20 points.
Taking into account the fact that the “Skhid” is scientific journal working in historical and philosophical fields, points will be counted only in case that authors of the articles have declared their corresponding profession. Publishing their works on “Skhid” journal, Polish scientists could achieve the sufficient number of points for reporting (each of them has to claim four most “pointed” (which received the highest number of points) articles or monographs at works within four years). It is important that points received in such way will influence on the funding of the institution where scientists work.
So, entering the prestigious Polish list of journals, where only a few Ukrainian scientific journals (among them are «Grani», «Sumy Historical and Archival Journal», «Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal») are mentioned, have become another achievement of its management and allows to hope for further increase in its rating indicators.
Ihor Sribnyak,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Editor of History part of “Skhid”
Read More Read more about “Skhid” journal was included in prestigious Polish list of journalsERIH PLUS - the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (link).
Read More Read more about Journal "SKHID" was approved on 2019-02-04 according to ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusionNEW PUBLICATION SHEDULE of HISTORICAL SCIENCES topical series is approved on 2018 year:
№ 4 (156) July-August (articles will be accepted until September, 10, 2018, release date - the end of September, 2018)
№ 6 (158) November-December (articles will be accepted until the end of December, release date- January, 2019)
- Order No. 1021 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dd. 07.10.2015, Annex 11 about inclusion of the journal to the List of Scientific professional editions of Ukraine remains in effect.
- an information in international scientific editions’ catalogues and scientific databases, where the journal is included into, is being renewed until the end of July, 2018.
- co-founders accepted a decision to increase an amount of English-language content to 50%.
Article application procedure did not change. To be published authors must send to editorial on e-mail or upload to the site the following materials:
08.06.2018 The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine accepted a decision about reregistration of “SKHID” Journal (Order No. 1782/5). Now founders of the journal are:
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv);
Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies (Mariupol).
Publication of the articles in the journal will be carried out on the next topical series::
«Philosophic Sciences»
«Historical Sciences»
The publisher of the journal - Ukrainian Centerfor Cultural Studies - became a member of professional organization CrossRef.
CrossRef is Publishers International Linking Association created with the aim to develop and support worldwide high-technology infrastructure for scientific communications. The main task of CrossRef is to promote wide usage of innovate technologies with a view to accelerate and facilitate scientific researches. Special attention of CrossRef is drawn to the development of electronic infrastructure of scientific publication cross-publisher citing. CrossRef Association supports global service of citing that works as a bridge between electronic publishing platforms. This service does not keep full texts of research publications, but it keeps the information about connections between publications with Digital Object Identifier technology (CrossRef DOI), and metadata of published scientific materials. With the help of this system, researchers can use features of global level of scientific-publishing sphere.
The members of CrossRef now are 5 hundred publishers all over the world. CrossRef database encloses more than 75 millions of journal articles and other types of publications (monographs, data arrays, dissertations, technical reports).
From the first number in 2016 all articles of the authors of our journal will receive DOI Index - unique digital object identifier.
Now referring to the article author have to mention DOI index in References and citations by State Standards of Ukraine. For example:
1. Cherednichenko, O. (2016). Food consumption in English towns and cities, 14th-15th centuries. Skhid, № 2 (142), 65-70 (ukr). doi: 10.21847/1728-9343.2016.2(142).67698
2. Watts, S. (2012). Food and the AnnalesSchool. The OxfordHandbook of Food History / [Jeffrey M. Pilcher (Ed.)]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-18. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199729937.013.0001
1. Чередниченко, О. Раціон харчування англійських міщан XIV-XV ст. / О. Чередниченко // Схід. - 2016. - № 2 (142). - С. 65-70. doi: 10.21847/1728-9343.2016.2(142).67698
2. Watts, S. Food and the AnnalesSchool. The OxfordHandbook of Food History / S. Watts [Jeffrey M. Pilcher (Ed.)]. - Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, рр. 3-18. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199729937.013.0001
While giving references, authors have to give correct bibliographic description and mention DOI Index for each source.
You can check the existence of the Index for the source on the site:
In search line «Metadata Search» You should enter the surname of the author and the name of the source (an article, a monograph, conference abstracts). If the result is positive - You find the source in CrossRef base - You mention the ID number. Author of the source will have the citation index increased. The “Skhid” Journal author will have the citation index increased too because of access to the article for 75 millions of users.
Considering mentioned information, we invite authors fromUkraineto give articles in English.
Editorial of “Skhid” journal
Order No. 1021 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dd. 07.10.2015, Annex 11 (Link)
Read More Read more about THE SKHID JOURNAL IS CATALOGUED AS A SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION OF UKRAINE IN THE FIELD OF HISTORICAL SCIENCESOrder No. 747 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dd. 13.07.2015, Annex 17 (Link)
Read More Read more about "Skhid" is included in University of New Brunswick LibrariesToday’s moment of history is unfortunately marked with a military conflict of Ukrainian government troops and law enforcement bodies with anti-state military units to which emergence and arming Russia is privy and since 24 August also with Russian regular military forces. It is internationally recognized by the UN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe and leaders of virtually all leading countries of the western world as well as international political and civic organizations.
In this actually warlike situation the role of a scholarly journal (Skhid in particular) which is a discussion platform rather than a mass medium, should probably change as well. We believe that it is preservation of our scientific potential, which is among major tasks in the current context. And it is here where both leading researchers and organizers of science, true super activists of the scientific world (primarily that of Ukraine), and hopefully our colleagues from other countries have to make their contribution. Today scientists whose main creed has always been an objective evaluation of reality are often used as propagandists as their scholarship and ability to articulate an idea enable them to create propaganda and counterpropaganda machines.
We invite all core researchers (historians, economists and philosophers) and Ukrainian scholar schools in these branches of knowledge to cooperation with our publication. Please send your articles, studies and materials, suggest your ideas (our Editorial Board will examine them) as to how to adjust the themes of the Journal in line with the current situation, how to prioritize materials for publishing, which themes you consider vital for today and in the long run.
The Skhid Editorial Board has been working in force majeure, most of its members having left for other cities of Ukraine for the time being – Zaporozhye, Odessa, Kiev, Lvov and others. We have been working online, doing our best to release the Journal on time.
Dear authors! We look forward to getting your proposals and expert articles.
Let us safeguard national science.
Let us retain national scientific personnel.
Let us work in the current context for the future.
Editorial Board
Read More Read more about SKHID JOURNAL WITHIN CURRENT REALITYWorldCat - the world's largest bibliographic database, with over 240 million records of all kinds of products for 470 languages. Base is created by joint efforts of more than 72 thousand libraries in 170 countries across the organization Online Computer Library Center.
Philosophy Documentation Center is repository and resource center that provides access to scholarly materials in applied ethics, philosophy, religious studies, and related disciplines.
EBSCO - aggregator of full-text publications. Includes 375 full-text databases, andmore than 350,000 electronic books.
РИНЦ - international bibliographic database of scientific publications of scientists. For information on publications and citations of articles based on the database author uses analytical tools ScienceIndex
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) - search engine (Germany), which is one of the most powerful suppliers of actual data on the scientific publications of European scientists.
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory - subscription catalog of American publishing Bowker, is the largest database that describes the global flow of periodicals in all subject areas
У розділі КАТЕГОРІЇ представлені українські наукові журнали, сайти яких знаходяться на платформі OPEN JOURNAL SYSTEMS (OJS). Перелік журналів постійно поповнюється, і ми закликаємо редакції наукових журналів України (посилання) долучитися до цього процесу – створювати свої сайти на OJS.
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