Journal support from SUES program


The journal “Skhid” has received one-time monetary support from the SUES crowdfunding platform

SUES (Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff) is an initiative of several European organizations in the field of scientific communication: IBL-PAN (PL), OPERAS (BE), DOAJ (Great Britain), OAPEN-DOAB (NL), EIFL (NL), AEUP (FR) and a group of 30 French editors and publishers. It is aimed at supporting Ukrainian publishers who are involved in the communication and dissemination of knowledge in the scientific publishing sector, which is an important component of Ukrainian scientific life and culture.

We thank our European colleagues for their support!

Thanks to the received funds, the editorial staff is able to work properly on the thematic issue 2 “Social Stability & Social Uncertainty: From History to Politics”.

We invite scientists to submit articles to the thematic issue.