Improving the training and career development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the experience of leading countries


  • Halyna Hozuvatenko the National Academy of the Army named by Hetman Sahaidachny, Ukraine



Armed Forces of Ukraine (Ukraine AF), military, career, planning, promotion


The article, based on the analysis of the existing system of training troops considered career plan individual training soldiers, providing achieve personal goals in their own performance. Detected flaws in career management Armed Forces of Ukraine, which are associated with an increased degree of subjectivity in the decision-commander (chief) personnel decisions regarding a particular officer.

Proved reserve replacement positions that must be constantly replenished by highly qualified military personnel professionally trained, with business and leadership skills, integrity, independence, responsibility and strive for self-improvement and more recently - and battle and communicative experience gained during the anti-terror operation.

One of the main tasks of training and career soldiers identified: establishing a clear system of professional selection, attestation and rotation of officers, the implementation mechanism of the forecast of promotion through the introduction of the single set of personal, state, official and statistical accounting of all categories of personnel of the Armed Forces Ukraine.

Author Biography

Halyna Hozuvatenko, the National Academy of the Army named by Hetman Sahaidachny

Candidate of Historical Sciences


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How to Cite

Hozuvatenko, H. (2017). Improving the training and career development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the experience of leading countries. Skhid, (6(146).


