The satirical almanac "DiPiniada" as visual historical source in the study of ordinary life "displaced persons" (1946-1947)
Publishing DPs, history of ordinary life DPs, visual historical sources, V.Ellis, V. Odinokov, "DiPiniada" (1946-1947)Abstract
The history of "displaced persons" (or DPs) is one of the major historical context of the postwar period. On the European continent, it lasts throughout the second half of the 1940s in the territory occupied by Germany, Austria and Italy. From our point of view, the study of the problem has a very strong historiographical focus, which is associated with a number of national studies.
Therefore, this article is dedicated to one of the main problems, which are common to all national historiography: the problem of publishing the "displaced persons".
The study is based on analysis of visual journalism (publicism) as a historical source on the history of ordinary life DPs. The main source is regarded magazine "DiPiniada" (like Homer's "Iliad"), which V. Ellis (poet) and V. Odinokov (artist), published in a DPs camp Pasing-Munich. On the pages of the satirical magazine in 1946-1947 addressed many current topics of ordinary life of displaced persons. In general, "DiPiniada" is an important visual historical source.
On the basis of press of displaced persons, ex-DiPi memories, the author makes two main conclusions.
Firstly, "Dipiniada" magazine tells the story of ordinary life in the camps DiPi both artistic "language" (composition, shape, color solutions), and contextual "language" (behavior, manner of communication, conflict).
Secondly, the satirical nature of the publication is the reason for its historical authenticity, because humor is possible only in conditions of a familiar image.
It is noted that the investigation has prospects both in methodological and in the objective aspects.
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