Types of intellectual capital's strategies: approaches to systematization
intellectual capital, intellectual capital structure, strategy of intellectual capital development, types of intellectual capital strategies, portfolio strategies, classification strategiesAbstract
The paper argues for the need for Ukrainian companies' intellectual capital strategy development which, in turn, will significantly improve their efficiency and transfer to a new level of functioning. In this study we prove the dominance of intellectual capital strategy in the structure of modern enterprises' strategic portfolio. The authors have determined the following strategies for intellectual capital's development: as a means of achieving the objectives of the company, aimed at creation and efficient use of its intellectual resources; a comprehensive program of action and the system of qualitative and quantitative measurement of replenish and upgrade the components of intellectual capital in accordance with the objectives of its development; a detailed comprehensive plan to ensure competitive advantage through interaction and balanced growth of all structural elements of intellectual capital. The article focuses on the multi-purposive nature of intellectual capital, which necessitates the formation of its portfolio strategies with different combinations of subordination.
The main focus of the article is made on generalization and systematization types of expansion strategies for the development of intellectual capital by various classification features to justify the selection of strategies for optimal portfolio. In the proposed typology the following strategies are figured out: in terms of implementing the strategy (global, central, regional, industrial, institutional); the nature management (centralization; sub-centralization, decentralized, mixed); the source of (external, internal); the method of obtaining (independent creation, acquisition, participation, cooperation, integration); the degree of change components (radical; improving); the nature of the growth process (generation, simulation, borrowing, copying); by type of business process management (formation, preservation and protection, transfer, use); the nature of use (strengthening, expanding, research, adaptation singles, researcher, exploiter, innovator); the type of innovation behavior (violent; patient; explerents; commutative); a competitive position (innovation leader, follower, outsider); the object management (concentrated, integrated, diversified); the structure of intellectual capital (human capital, structural capital market capital, and their interaction). The analysis of the essential characteristics of intellectual capital strategies considered in the classification is made. The emphasis is put on dialectical, flexible sensemaking of presented strategies typologies, taking into consideration the fact of evolution strategies, weave and matrix blending of different classifications in practice. We exemplify our arguments by presenting various functional strategies that make implementation possible using classifications identified in intellectual capital's strategies. Additionally, it is substantiated that the primary, landmark system of classification for all other approaches is classification strategies based on intellectual capital structure. It is therefore proposed to use provided in the article systematization framework as a methodological basis for a comprehensive understanding of the prospects for improvement and use of firms' intellectual capital.References
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