The philosophical and methodological basis of determination of principles of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces
theory of systems, organization, management, the law of relative resistance, the law of concentrated action, consistent patterns, principles of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forcesAbstract
From the perspective of socio-economic point of view the author pointed out three groups of consistent patterns of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces, namely: 1) dependency of its nature, place in the instruments and phenomenology of ideologic work on: peculiarities of security environment; peculiarities of military culture of the particular society; type of society, which is characterized according to the criteria of perception of war as a means of defendind national interests and national ability to act collectively, readiness to sacrifice during the war, as well as the method of information relationships in society; nature of official military discourse, which represents understanding of threats to the military security and methods of reaction to such threats - military ideology and military doctrine; the nature of war and its political goals; methods, objectives, means and results of the armed struggle; 2) dependency of organizational forms of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces on organizational environment, namely social purpose and structure of the state military administration, responsible for such work, its logistical and management capacities; the level of management culture of the staff, responsible for informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces; general and current efficiency of informational and propagandistic impact on the consciousness and behavior of military personnel, population in the area of military units deployment / combat mission; conditions of implementation of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces (peace and war conditions), service and out of service time, devoted to such work; 3) dependency of content of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces on peculiarities of socio-military environment: system of the armed forces completing, development trends of military and political consciousness of military personnel and population in the area of military units deployment / combat mission, peculiarities of everyday tasks and military activities: conformity of the objective of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces to the needs of daily and combat activities in the context of specifically defined tasks, restrictions imposed to the process of common and military tasks execution.
The author proposes original variant of gradation of principles of the informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces: general ones, which are necessary to determine the mission of system of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces and build such a system (methodological),which are worked out on the basis of the patterns of the first group; special ones, which represent the basis for possible realization of the system of mission of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces (organizational), which are worked out on the basis of the patterns of the second group; methodological ones that are necessary to solve specific problems of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces, which are worked out on the basis of the patterns of the third group.
Taking into account the above principles, the author has formulated the requirements for organization of provision of informational and propagandistic support in the armed forces in current conditions: centralization, consistency, purposefullness, continuity, planned character, activity, flexibility.References
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