Heidegger studies and the shift of philosophical historiography





Heidegger studies, philosophical historiography, Rezeptiongeschichte, discourse, hermeneutics, reconsttruction


The purpose of the study is to shed light on introduction of the concept of reception history to the philosophical historiography, taken within the framework of the current Heidegger studies in Ukraine and worldwide. The methodology combines elements of discourse analysis with traditional methods of historical and philosophical criticism. Scientific novelty is expressed in the following statements: 1) the problem of the recent history of reception of Heidegger's philosophy worldwide is missing in the Ukrainian historico-philosophical discourse; 2) the concept of Rezeptiongeschichte should be included to the framework of philosophical historiography as essential method of bridging the gap between the Ukrainian philosophy and the global intellectual trends; 3) transition of the philosophical hermeneutics from interpretation to reception deconstructs Hegelian notion of history of philosophy as philosophy into a much more pragmatic notion of history of philosophy as a filiation of intellectual history. Conclusions. The Ukrainian discourse of philosophical historiography still resists the urgency of the postmodern situation, finding an escape in idealistic metaphysics of history, which conceives the Heideggerian idea of sublime philosophizing as opposed to the mundane practices of calculating mind of science. This naїve Heideggerianism interferes with adequate development of Heidegger studies in Ukraine. However, it can be surpassed by shifting research focus from purist hermeneutics of texts and ideas to reconstruction of various receptions of Heidegger's thought worldwide. Such a shift can be backed by re-interpretation of philosophical historiography in terms of sociology of knowledge or intellectual history rather than hermeneutics and phenomenology.

Author Biography

Andrii Karpenko, Donbas State Pedagogical University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Philosophy, Socio-political and Legal Sciences Department


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How to Cite

Karpenko, A. (2016). Heidegger studies and the shift of philosophical historiography. Skhid, (5(145). https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2016.5(145).83845


