Value impulses of the ecological ethics in the religious ideas


  • Oleksandr Brodetskyi Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine



ecological ethics, environment, humanism, solidarity, humanistic synergy, values


Power, informational equipment of industrial potential of human civilization, of course, thanks to the growing scientific and technical progress. At the same time its effects often cause the technological, ecological, anthropological disasters.

All this actualize the role of ethics in its practical dimensions. It is very important to use the philosophical and heuristic potential of ethics, its sensitivity to humanistic sense of contemporary environmental and biomedical problems. Their solution depends largely the future of human life and fate of the planet. According to this factors the aim of this article is to reflect the strategy of interpretation of the relationships between man and nature in a number of world religions. Also the aim of article is to model the parameters of interfaith dialogue for the invention of effective forms of religious communities' participation in the environmental initiatives intended to the optimizing of the balance between society and the natural environment.

The novelty element of our study is that it not only covers the basic tenets of religious traditions on environmental issues, but also outlines the opportunities and heuristic potential of synergy between productive humanistic and socially relevant ideas of different faiths and philosophically-religious discourses for the invention of instruments for interdenominational cooperation in the practical environmental projects and initiatives.

Only the declarations of concern about environmental problems, of course, are not enough. Value consciousness of religious communities and individuals must be transformed into the practical sphere. It means that religious organizations should be actively involved, including their financial, intellectual and organizational forces to the real environmental projects and initiatives that have applied out and can lead to tangible results.

Many religions have the conceptual resources of a certain attitude to environmental issues. And the vector of this attitude can be returned ambivalently: either toward passivity and paralyzing the creative will of man, or in the direction of real activity-promoting. Under these conditions, the educational activities within religious communities is of paramount importance. Its key value postulate is the social and communicative harmony, health of human society and the preservation of human culture in its humane forms. Under another conditions the environmental initiatives of religions are only declaratory and little effective.

The study is implemented on the disciplinary boundaries of ethics, social philosophy and religious studies. The author uses the methodological possibilities of synergy of humanistic ideas of religious ethics concept.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Brodetskyi, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Ph.D (philosophy), Assistant Professor of the Department of Cultural, Religious Studies and Theology 


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How to Cite

Brodetskyi, O. (2016). Value impulses of the ecological ethics in the religious ideas. Skhid, (5(145).


