Investment provide of structural development of the National Economy
national economy, structural development, investment supportAbstract
The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that the structural development of the national economy should be focused on building a highly competitive dynamic of socially-oriented economic system by expanding the use of innovative technologies and investment component.
The article is to assess the investment and ensure its compliance with the structural needs of the national economy.
In the article the estimation of the dynamics and structure of assimilated capital investments in Ukraine in 2010-2015. The largest amounts of investment observed in 2012 and 2015, the leader in relative growth was in 2011, and the decline in 2014.
Priorities investment in terms of: investment assets (machinery, equipment, inventory, buildings), economic activities (industry, mainly processing) sources of investment financing (own funds) and their distribution by region (m. Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kiev, Odessa, Lviv, Kharkiv region, with emphasis on the concentration of investments in almost a third of the capital).
Detected shortcomings of the existing state and dynamics of investment support structural development of the national economy, low investments in intangible assets, the reduction of the mining industry in terms of severity of the problem of energy security; reducing the role of the banking sector and foreign investors in the financing of the real economy; distortions in the distribution of investments by region.
The advantage of the dynamics of investment support structural development of the national economy are: a significant increase in the share of agriculture in the context of food security and strengthen export potential, as well as investments in intangible assets, information and telecommunications, which reinforces the innovative direction of the investment process.
Proposals to determine the priority areas of investment, based on the model of the three sectors of the national economy, and the establishment of institutional investors, eliminating regional disparities.References
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