The phenomenon of ideological work in the Armed Forces: social and philosophical analysis
subject, functions, task of ideological work, military-political consciousness, motivational readiness of servicemen to the armed defense of Fatherland, Armed Forces of UkraineAbstract
In the article the author analyzes the phenomenon of ideological work from the socio-philosophical point of view and conducts general conceptualization of ideological work process in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The author proposes his own variant of definition of object, functions, the main tasks of ideological work in the Ukrainian army. The main goal of ideological work in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to achieve and maintain high morale of the Armed Forces personnel, to train in military servicemen the sense of personal responsibility for protection of Motherland, to understand the principles of state policy and measures taken in the interest of ensuring national and international security. The above goal is achieved through realization of the objective function, which lies in the ideological motivation of military servicemen towards conscientious performance of military duty and defense of the homeland, implemented under the formula "knowledge - attitude - motivation." After decomposition of the objective function of ideological work in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the author has singled out a number of working functions - genetic, epistemological, logical, methodological, methodical, informational, propagandistic, agitational, worldview, regulatory, mobilizational, educational, counter propagandistic, protective, cultural educational, spiritually educational, evaluative ones. The author has defined situations in which genetic function of ideological work in the Armed Forces can be noticeably manifested: the formation of a qualitatively new principles of state construction in the context of social transformation; formation of a qualitatively new principles of military construction and military-political course of the state in the context of military and political changes in the international arena, as well as in the middle of military- political alliances; in the period of preparation for the war, during the direct military operations, in the postwar period with the aim of establishing of "victory image" and "victorious war image " in the media and in the public consciousness.References
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