The social contents of gender stereotypes in term of authoritative influence
"gender", "power", "gender stereotypes", "gender roles"Abstract
The social factors of gender stereotypes implementation in term of authoritative influence have been analyzed. The contents of gender stereotypes as a social category and their functional orientation have been determined. The author analyzes gender schemes: they are based on coding of "we" and "other", it's important for social reality understanding. The role of gender stereotypes in producing and maintaining society hierarchical relationships also has been described. The social contents of gender roles have been defined. The author emphasizes their meaning in term of social behaviors. In modern conditions of Ukrainian society it is obvious that gender issues can't be covered primarily as an object of psychological research, but it also needs a social and philosophical reflection.
The author indicates that power is usually implemented as a means of self-affirmation in terms of gender; it is establishing itself at the expense of the other sex. One of the dominant reasons of gender-conditioned behavior is usually political socialization, social structure and the specific stages of life available for men and women. The author emphasizes an important part of the socialization process is a sex-role socialization that includes the processes of formation of psychological sex, psychological sex differences and sex-role differentiation.
Gender stereotypes are not only the result of the dominant gender ideology, but they also are an important factor in the formation of social ideology that define psycho-social context of power relations. Gender stereotypes mostly influence the general cultural development, because they form the misconceptions about social order that is based on force as the primary means of realization of social and political relations. Therefore, it is necessary to realize a gradual transition from patriarchal to egalitarian power not only to ensure the rights of women in their free access to power, but to change established power relations strategies from authoritarian pressure power and domination to democratic power, equal opportunities and taking into account the values and freedoms. This idea is emphasized in the conclusions.References
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