Peculiarities of solving problems in strategic consulting
strategic consulting, service, project, product, knowledge, strategic type of thinking, competences, ValuesAbstract
It is proved that the actions of strategic consulting in contrast to management one is focused, directed on an effective system of resource potential. Potential of consultants are considered as human capital. Actions are related with definition of strategic management concerning tasks to maximize the value of enterprise in value-oriented approach. The aim is to review the essence of content categories of "service" and "product" in strategic consulting and forming own view of conditions of solving problems with their participation, from the perspective of strategic thinking and competencies.
General scientific and special research methods were used in research: analysis, synthesis, comparative characteristics, theoretical generalization, value-oriented approach.
In the research were analyzed definition essence of strategic consulting "service" and "product". Special features of consulting services were specified. On the one hand , a consulting service is not just unique, it is demanded in connection with the introduction of science and best practices. On the other hand, a consulting service is not only implementing technical innovations but also is orienting activity of enterprise for innovative development in the long term prospective.
Consultants are considered as highly developed human capital that can generate based on own knowledge intelligent products, bring added value and create value on this basis. In strategic consulting we propose refer to values: 1) prediction and modeling of management situations; 2) strategic management; 3) corporate management; 4) training.
It was found out dependence between level of changes in external environment and relevant types of managers` thinking. It was established that strategic thinking is current in the process of problem solving in strategic consulting. According to the author's conception of strategic thinking, it is a process of knowledge synthesis and creative approach (creativity) of human capital based on value- oriented management for performing effective activity.
It was improved definition of "service" and "product" in strategic consulting. "Consulting service" means professional actions of consultants that will promote forming of competitive advantages at the enterprise. The product is defined as a result of consultation's` professional activity that will improve performance of indicators and increase level of innovation development.
It was studied mechanism of value forming in the process of problem solving in strategic consulting. Values are offered to be viewed as created competitive advantages based on resources management: information and intellectual.
The analysis of the terms of problem solving in strategic consulting proves the existence of institutional values consolidation. Information and intellectual resources are passed to clients on a commercial basis. That gives the new quality characteristics to the consulting services, and their product will necessarily include some innovation elements.References
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