Cluster specific strategies in development of regions




cluster strategy, region, state management, mechanism of state cluster policy


The paper identified the characteristics and specific use of cluster strategies in regional development. Systematized measures that should be present in the cluster development strategy. The attention to the fact that there is a need to form a coherent cluster of public policy with appropriate forms of protection. The mechanism of state cluster policy should include: development and implementation of national strategies and relevant regional clustering programs; development of public-private partnership of matters to clustering; creating the infrastructure necessary for the development of clusters; approaches to formation of forms, volumes and sources of government support cluster initiatives; financing (partial or complete) measures clustering; development of the loan policy for cluster projects, organization of training in clustering in higher education in the country; monitoring of clusters and other components.

It is shown that the benefits of cluster policy for the state and regional authorities is that it allows a comprehensive, systematic way to consider the situation of a group of related enterprises in different sectors. For the state is, above all, the most modern and convenient tool in the economic and tax policy.

Author Biographies

Ihor Hroznyy, European University, Kyiv

Doctor of Economics, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Management

Volodymyr Malyukov, European University, Kyiv

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of information systems and mathematical sciences менеджмента


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How to Cite

Hroznyy, I., & Malyukov, V. (2016). Cluster specific strategies in development of regions. Skhid, (1(133).


