International aspects of refugees' regulation
migration flows, migrants, refugees, the status of refugee, asylum, the Dublin agreement, readmissionAbstract
The global migration flows have been analyzed in the article over the past 25 years. There was a trend of increasing the share of migrants in total population, in which the proportion of refugees is growing from year to year. According to the forecast the number of migrants in 2050 will increase by 75% compared to 2015 Migration flows by geographical, gender and educational grounds were considered. It was noted that 64% of migrants have secondary and specialized secondary education, while only 13% have higher education. It was revealed that nearly half of all migrants are women of reproductive age. It was determined that 86% of refugees are attracted by the countries with the highest rates of economic growth, such as Asia, Brazil, Western India and South Africa. The main problem of the refugees, which are related to employment and receiving official refugee's status, were identified. It was revealed that there is a negative attitude towards migrants with the status of "refugee" in several countries, when situation connects with employment. Illegal migration, which has tendency to increase in recent years, was considered, as well as the problems which are associated with it. The main routes of refugees were analyzed. It was found that the majority of illegal immigrants had entered the country by sea. In this regard, the main countries, that export and import refugees, were identified. The disadvantages of the Dublin Agreement, which is the main legal basis that regulates relations between the countries of the EU in the asylum procedure, were considered. The main activities, that the European Commission is going to undertake to regulate existing migration crisis, were analyzed. The strengthening of border security and the increasing of the quotas for the distribution of migrants by countries of the EU, which will promote the uniform distribution of refugees by the countries, were identified among them.
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