The imitation modeling of the pricing process on tourist enterprise




imitation modeling, price, pricing process, tourist product, tourist enterprise


The purpose of this article is research of various aspects of imitation modeling as effective method of the analysis and optimization of the pricing process on the tourist enterprise. In article the methodology of imitation modeling of the pricing process for a tourist product is investigated.

For formation and realization of model of pricing it is offered to use imitation modeling which allows to receive the expected size of the price under various operating conditions of the tourist enterprise.

It is shown that imitation modeling of economic process contains 7 main stages: the formulation of a problem and definition targets than imitation research; development of conceptual model of the modeling object, formalization of the imitation model, choice of software and control of the imitation model; complex testing of the model; planning and implementation of imitation experiment; analysis of results of modeling.

The main purpose of imitation model consists in adjustment of level of the price depending on influence of pricing factors.

In article the main advantages of the imitation modeling in comparison with other methods of modeling are marked out.

Imitation modeling considers influence of a large number of uncertain factors, which cannot be precisely described by means of analytical models.

The methodology of the imitation modeling allows to analysis expensive and not expensive elements of the price of a tourist product.

Imitation modeling allows estimating efficiency and productivity of the prices of new level until their introduction at real process.

The imitation model allows investigating system of pricing in dynamics and allows change of its functioning at any stage of modeling. It is possible to implementation new variables and conditions into model, to replace values of factors and so forth.

The imitation model of pricing process allows uniting models of separate subsystems in one complex model, which considers influence of separate subsystems on behavior of the whole system.

Based on the conducted researches advantage of a method of the imitation modeling to optimization of management of the pricing process at the tourist enterprise is proved.

Author Biography

Nataliia Sagalakova, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Doctoral Seeker of Tourism and Recreation Department 


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How to Cite

Sagalakova, N. (2016). The imitation modeling of the pricing process on tourist enterprise. Skhid, (8(140).