Study of the financial activity of insurance companies in Ukraine




the financial condition of the insurance company, financial management of insurance companies, financial insurance company strategic management, quantitative analysis of the financial condition of the insurance company


In terms of overcoming the negative effects of the global financial crisis that hit the global economy and recent developments in Ukraine the role of insurance as a financial mechanism of compensation of various risks overemphasized. This risk appetite, which is a prerequisite for the establishment and operation of insurance companies. The article describes the scheme of the insurance company, given its financial condition. Ascertained that the financial strategic management of the insurance company has marketing plans, human resources and financial strategy. Posted author's scheme of financial strategic management of insurance companies. Classification of insurance companies into three groups according to the value of assets, gross premiums and cash. Posted quantitative indicators I, II and III groups of insurance companies in 2013. The basic financial and economic indicators of insurance companies. The list of unresolved problems of the insurance market in Ukraine. Based on research done by the appropriate conclusions and generalizations. In particular, monitoring the financial activities of insurance companies in Ukraine is based on quantitative analysis, which includes indicators of profitability, capitalization and financing, gross premiums equity, assets and cash and cash equivalents. It is established that companies with large amounts of assets in providing high equity. Overall, the dynamics of the insurance companies shows a decline in the majority of gross premiums and the declining share of liabilities in the liabilities of companies with the overall asset growth, which is reducing the effectiveness demonstrator credit market.

Author Biography

Аntonina Kriventsova, Kyiv University of market relations

Postgraduate student of Finance and Banking Department 


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How to Cite

Kriventsova А. (2016). Study of the financial activity of insurance companies in Ukraine. Skhid, (8(140).