Central Bureau of Communist Students (CBCS) as a means for suppression of higher school in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the early 1920s





Central Bureau of Communist Students, political struggle, higher educational institutions, student organizations, political dominance, higher educational institutions' autonomy, totalitarian system


The paper looks into development processes of political struggle in higher school of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the early 1920s, identifies forms, methods and means of bringing student community under communist control and examines the setting up, running and liquidation situation of the Central Bureau of communist students and local Bureaus in large student centers.

It is demonstrated that, on the one part, the Central and local Bureaus of communist students had a status of community formations, their members became party functionaries, joined Organizational and Instruction Departments of the Central Committee of the (Bolshevik) Communist Party (CCCP) and its respective Regional Committees (RC) as well as drew salaries there. With the above in view, that organizational structure duplicated in the first place a regular system of party subordination: a Party Committee, a Rayon Committee, an RC, the CCCP and at the same time created another party-subordinated branch of student communist forces: a Party Committee, local bureaus of communist students and the CBCS. Secondly, the CBCS and local bureaus were authorized to control the operation of Party nuclei of higher educational institutions only through the CCCP and respective Rayon Party Committees. Thirdly, while superintending the work of communist forces of the above institutions, those parallel branches had to inevitably face some substantial controversy, which actually did happen yet at the beginning of their joint activity. It is mentioned that the setting-up of the CBCS and local bureaus of communist students resulted from a desire of the top Party management to shuffle off the responsibility for liquidation of higher educational institutions' autonomy, establishment of a totalitarian system at institutes and technical colleges and bringing about political repressions on students themselves and their community organizations.

Author Biography

Khrystyna Khoruzhenko, Krasnoarmiisk Industrial Institute

Candidate of Historical Sciences


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How to Cite

Khoruzhenko, K., & Yatsiuk, M. (2016). Central Bureau of Communist Students (CBCS) as a means for suppression of higher school in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the early 1920s. Skhid, (7(139), 55–59. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2015.7(139).57640