Tourist estimation of historical and cultural potential of castles in the Ivano-Frankivsk region




tourist estimation, castle, castle building, Ivano-Frankivsk region


The article is based on own methods of tourist estimation of historical and cultural potential of castle buildings in the Ivano-Frankivsk region to determine their level of attractiveness and prospects for needs of tourism and recreation industry. In the Ivano-Frankivsk region are five castles: in Halych (XVI century) Mariiampil (XVII century), Rakovets (XVII century), Chernelytsia (XVII century) and Pniv (XVI century), which have great historical and cultural potential and all of these buildings can be used for the tourist adaptation. Criteria of the tourist estimation of potential of castle complexes are built on an integrated approach that includes four groups of indicators: the natural and geographical location, historical and cultural features, infrastructure and advertising criteria. The tourist analysis of historical and cultural potential of castle constructions in the Ivano-Frankivsk region showed that 4 castles (in Mariiampil, Rakovets, Chernelytsia and Pniv) are at an average level of tourist adaptation and just castle in Halych has higher level of tourist and recreational adaptation. The author proposed following options for optimizing of the recreational use of castles, which are based on the tourist estimation: organization of new event activities, development of new tourist and recreational routes with castles and museumification.

Author Biography

Igor Lysyi, Vasyl Stefanyk Subcarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk

graduate student


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How to Cite

Lysyi, I. (2016). Tourist estimation of historical and cultural potential of castles in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Skhid, (7(139), 25–29.