Petro Stebnitsky (1862-1923) in historiographical reflections
Petro Stebnitsky, historiography, book publishing activity, "Charitable Society for the publication of generally useful and cheap books", publicistic and scientific heritage, epistolary heritage, library science work, social and political activitiesAbstract
The article analyzes available historiographical inheritance of researchers, devoted to the life and career of the prominent Ukrainian publisher, publicist, cultural, public and politic figure P.Y. Stebnitsky (1862-1923); the author's classification of works of contemporary Ukrainian discourse on the problems was proposed: the first group are biographical publications, the second group are popular-scientific and scientific publications on the estimation of P.Y. Stebnitsky's role in the national-cultural development of Ukraine in the late ХІХth-early ХХth centuries; the third group are P. Stebnitsky's works on book publishing, bibliological, library and bibliographic works; the fourth group are the works which highlight the political component of P.Stebnitsky's activities; the fifth group are the works with the analysis of the evolution of political views, literary and publisistic heritage of the figure; the sixth group are the works devoted to the collecting, publishing and analysis of P. Stebnitsky's epistolary heritage.
A cohort of scholars engaged in the study of P. Stebnitsky's figure, different aspects of his activities was highlighted; national research organizations, on the basis of which such research are professionally carried out, were noted. The analysis of the thematic segment of publications was carried out, it found out that the researchers actively popularize scientific and epistolary heritage of the figure, pay sufficient attention to the analysis of his political views. The paper identified three segments of P.Stebnitsky's scientific biography, which must be studied and deepen by future scientists.References
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