Ethical Public Service Infrastructure: Problems of Formation




ethics, public service, ethical infrastructure moral principles, norms


The article describes the basic elements of an ethical infrastructure that manifest themselves as mechanisms regulating the relationship between public servants and the public, being the part of professional activities. Ethics for public servants is defined as the system of regulations of conduct, procedure and rules, and relationships and principles of public-service relationship that is most appropriate set of deeply understood and concretized norms of morality inherent in this society. According to the authors, the main problem of a civil servant professional ethics is the fact that its activities must meet not only the Constitution of Ukraine and current legislation, but also moral principles and norms.

Author Biographies

Alina Pevna, Donetsk State University of Management; Donetsk City Administration

Listener of Magistracy of specialty "Civil Service"

Аlina Khaletska, Volyn Institute of Economics and Management, Lutsk

Doctor of Public Administration, Professor



How to Cite

Pevna, A., & Khaletska А. (2015). Ethical Public Service Infrastructure: Problems of Formation. Skhid, 60–64.