Directions of formation of monitoring investment policy in Ukraine




monitoring, investment policy, investment attraction, investment process, sustainability


In this article it is proved the necessity of forming and monitoring the investment policy. The main task of investment policy's monitoring are the organization of continuous observation of the object of study, formation of informative indicators; assessment and analysis of the information received, forecasting development and providing recommendations to avoid or reduce adverse effects on the object of study. It is proved that a monitoring system should include investment and provide flexibility and adaptability tools. There is studied foreign experience of monitoring investment climate and defined principles of monitoring systems in accordance with the concept of sustainable development for an effective system of monitoring investment policy.

The system of investment policy's monitoring as is a set of multiple monitoring systems (monitoring the investment climate, stock market, the global investment market, the state of the industry and the region, measures for sanation and monitoring enterprise value of risk factors and the profitability of the project), the implementation of which will accelerate the implementation of sustainable development in the domestic financial system.

Author Biography

Nataliіa Оrlova, Donetsk State University of Management, Mariupol

Dr. of Public Administration, Professor of Finance



How to Cite

Оrlova N. (2015). Directions of formation of monitoring investment policy in Ukraine. Skhid, 56–59.