Typology of wooden utensils of the Catacomb culture
Catacomb culture, wooden ware, Bronze Age, the classification of wooden utensilsAbstract
The article deals with the problem of classification of wooden utensils from burials of Catacomb culture. The classification of this type of artifacts meets the problem of their persistence in ground. The information about most artifacts is limited to "reminds of wood from wooden utensil'. Nevertheless, there is representative selection of undamaged or archaeologically undamaged wooden utensils of Catacomb culture which allows to build classification scheme. Analysis of historiography showed that previously the classification of wooden utensils of Catacomb culture have not been provided. But there are classifications for the utensils of other nomadic cultures of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. We studied the works of G. Pjatyh, S. Mahortyh, O. Dudin, S. Ljashko, R. Litvinenko. For the development of the classification, the main features of wooden utensils were distinguished. They were organized into four groups: morphological, technological, functional and stylistic. Our typological scheme is based on the principles of morphological classification. All wooden utensils were divided into two groups: container (which includes tray, bowl, bank, basket, pyxis with further subdivision) and table-ware (scoop, spoon, cover).
The scientific novelty of the work consist in systematization of the information on the findings of wooden utensils in burials of Catacomb culture, clarifying of the the terminology for different types of wooden utensils and developing of unitary classificational scheme for this type of artifacts.References
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