Of industrial enterprises mechanism for the use benchmarking in the quality management process development





benchmarking, enterprise development, management, processes


The development of the enterprise is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Ambiguity terminological apparatus on the quality of industrial complicates the mechanism of development management. In addition, existing approaches to development management does not always take into account the qualitative characteristics of development and sectoral characteristics of industrial enterprises by striving for universality. These features have identified the need to develop new approaches to effective quality management of industrial companies by providing clear business operation of the internal structure and organizational changes intended to adapt the industrial enterprise to environmental effects. Lack of theoretical and practical developments in this area, the impossibility of practical use of many of them led to the choice of this area of research. The mechanism of the use of benchmarking in quality management of industrial enterprises, formed by a number of elements that are based on the model to ensure a balance between the contours of the quality management of industrial enterprise can realize the benchmarking procedure, consisting of interrelated information and successive stages: analysis of the current state of the parameters of control loops and the factors influencing them; definition of the reference object; Identification of priority industrial processes on the basis of a comparative evaluation of similar indicators of the enterprise-standard; development program implementation results benchmarking with subsequent analysis of the effectiveness of their implementation.

Author Biography

Ihor Hroznyy, European University, Kyiv

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Management Department


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How to Cite

Hroznyy, I. (2015). Of industrial enterprises mechanism for the use benchmarking in the quality management process development. Skhid, (5(137), 27–31. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2015.5(137).50970