Political identity: concept of the political





the political, political identity, myth, ontology


The research aims to deal with the concept of political identity through the complex of such concepts as archetypes of the collective unconscientious, myth, symbol, the political and political discourse. It is proved that the boundaries of political space are limited by the boundaries of recognition of imperatives of an ontological myth, the boundaries of formation of and support to beliefs about the necessity of complying with those imperatives as the only possible means for restoration of the existence of society and man. The author reviews domination alternatives of one or more ontological myths.

In the context of cultural and historical balance and recognition of different political paradigms there arises a universal paradigm of the political in society, which conciliates and unites all the layers, turning them into subjects of politics. This is a paradigm of democracy, its essence coming down to recognition of only such form of political power as legitimate by all subjects of the political process, which through appropriate laws and standards regulates the struggle for political power and secures participation in exercising power, i.e. such regulations of political being of society, which are perceived as justified and legitimate by all subjects of political activity.

Author Biography

Ihor Pasko, Center for Humanitarian Education at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Pasko, I. (2015). Political identity: concept of the political. Skhid, (4(136), 62–65. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2015.4(136).48354