Everyday live as object and as phenomenon: the attempt of synthesis of two strategic approaches
everydayness-object, everydayness-phenomenon, higher level theory of everydayness, process of objectivation, synthesized approachAbstract
In this article the author explores two strategic approaches to everyday life: objective and phenomenological. It would be easy to say that objective approach is a bad and phenomenological one is good or vice versa. Therefore the author considers the possibility to synthesize the objective and the phenomenological approaches. In the light of contemporary discussion about naturalization of phenomenology such integration could be considered as the kind of phenomenology's naturalization. The phenomenological approach to everyday life can not be idealistic or transcendental. It needs the integration into the immediate process of everyday life. The process of objectification as the result of everyday life becomes an object. But from other side non-objectified everyday life is a phenomenon, which astonishes us. In everydayness objects and phenomena co-exist. The author comes to conclusion after synthesizing of those approaches that on the basis of it we can formulate higher level theory of everydayness, which is non-reductible. Such theory could be considered as realization of the early Husserl's appeal: "Back to the things themselves!".
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