Church of Scientology: specifics of doctrine, methods and forms of worship and outside religious
alternative religion, Dianetics, the Church of Scientology, engram, tetan, NarcononAbstract
The article deals with the specifics of doctrine of organizational structure and basic forms and methods of worship and outside religious supporters of one of the most famous non-traditional syncretic religion - Scientology. Scientology doctrine was developed by L.R.Habbard based on practice so-called Dianetics, the basis of which was laid by human psychological treatment "engrams" - painful consequences, they are the result of the traumatic experience of previous years of life. But then Scientologists began to emphasize that engrams accumulated in the subconscious of human, not only since his birth. They convince that engrams accumulated over many lives, so-called "Tetan" - (the spiritual nature of human and other living creatures). Scientology meets the basic criteria used to define religion. Because it contains a doctrine, based on the belief in the existence of higher spiritual reality; it contains cult-religious practices that guide the faithful on the path of approaching the Supreme Reality; and, in addition, there is a community of believers ("Church of Scientology"). Scientologists believe in the existence of seven spiritual speakers and Supreme being (eighth speaker). The basis of life, in their opinion, is the indissoluble unity of material, energy, space and time. Followers of Scientology at first try to reach a state of "clergy" (human purified from engrams), and then - state of "operating tetan" (complete spiritual freedom). Religious practice in the Church of Scientology is ancillary and the providing of various services is on the foreground (mostly for a fee). For attractinf new members, Scientologists use pragmatic motives. They offer their followers to participate in pay rates for obtaining mental health, further education, and so on. There was accumulate extensive experience of charity and other social activities by the followers of Scientology. Primarily voluntary priests can take the participation in virtuousness. The main areas of social activity of Scientologists are anti-drug and anti-alcohol support programs; providing advices to the victims of war, natural disasters and emergencies; protection of Human Rights and others. However, social activity of followers of the Church of Scientology is mainly used as a cover to carry out their missionary tasks.
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