The theory of co-separated relationship as the methodological basis of the definition of the category and the formation of public-private partnerships




public-private partnership, jointly-shared attitude, interests of the parties participating relationship public-private partnership


The main methodological basis of the analysis of the essence, the economic content, mechanisms and contradictions in the development of PPPs is the theory of co-separated relationship. As for the relationship of PPP, the compatibility is the ratio of the combined financial, labor, intellectual and other resources for the joint implementation of projects, and are separated by property relations on the distribution of risks, as well as the preparation and assignment of benefits arising from the implementation of public-private partnership.

The role and importance of co-separated relationship manifests itself in the fact that, firstly, they contribute to the further development of the so-called mixed economy, states are responsible for the alliance with the private initiative in order to ensure a fruitful cooperation between the state and the private sector, where the resources of this sector combined with the state " interventions "aimed at achieving the objectives of which are not subject automatism of market mechanisms. Secondly, co-separated relationships cause a steady increase in the economic impact of the state, under the direct control and regulation which covers all the new activities.

Development of the system together, separated by a relationship confirmed by the development of corporatisation, the diversity of modern institutional forms and models of PPP, which are based on a combination of resources for the implementation of public-private partnership.

Author Biography

Illia Brailovskyi, DP "Naukova spіlka Donbas"

PhD, senior researcher


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How to Cite

Brailovskyi, I. (2015). The theory of co-separated relationship as the methodological basis of the definition of the category and the formation of public-private partnerships. Skhid, (1(133).


