Comparison of the military structure and combat training of the Kuban Cossack infantry and Polish infantry (the beginning of the twentieth century)
Kuban Cossacks, Polish Army, the infantry battalion, company, combat trainingAbstract
Kuban Cossacks had cavalry, artillery and infantry. During First World War Kuban Cossacks formed the 24 infantry battalions. All the battalions were a part 4 of the Kuban Cossack brigades. In the long tradition of the Cossack infantry called "plastuny". The term originated in the time of the Zaporizka Sich. Kuban Cossacks kept the traditions of their ancestors to the early twentieth century. Cossack infantry constantly engaged in combat training. For example, 20, 21 and 22 battalions of 4 months (early 1915) held classes in the rear of the Caucasian Army. Particular attention is paid to the Cossacks military tactics. During the First World War on the side of Austria-Hungary acted Polish volunteer units "Polish Legions." The basis of this was the formation of infantry. Polish infantry formation were part of the 3rd Brigade. As of 1918-1920. based on the "Polish Legions" was created by the Polish Army. In 1919-1920. Polish infantry had a separate structure. Polish infantry combat training was of high quality and diverse. The structure of the Cossack and Polish infantry units had a lot in common (battalion, company, platoon). Combat training of Polish and Cossack Corps was intense and varied. The Cossacks had better military-tactical training and military priorities of life.
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