"Crimean Offence": myth, its instrumentalization and geopolitical projections
Crimea, annexation, historical grievance, national resentment, Crimean Tatars, historical memory.Abstract
The influence of the historical memory of the "Russian Crimea" on ideological and propaganda support of the second annexation of the Crimea in 2014. Analyzed the nature and impact of the concept of "historical grievance" in the formation of modern Russian social and political discourse about the Crimea.
Although historically (national) grievance - a legacy of the past, it is important to understand exactly what is the past in each case. There are ancient grievances arising from specific historical events, injustice on the part of other nations (war, annexing, genocide). This grievance has lost a clear outline of the influence of time, and may gradually come to naught. But under certain circumstances, these memories can be "extracted" from the depths of historical memory, and become relevant. Or even appears that the origins of this "awakening" the memory of grievances are not in the past and in the present.
National grievance can play a negative role in times of economic, political and social crisis. Society often shifts the blame for their problems to people in other countries that are not related to the incident. This is also called a "national grievance". But this is another phenomenon, which is called the "national resentment".
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