East conflict as a consequence of systemic crisis in Ukraine (what happens?)
Angst, advocacy, crisis, conflict, manipulation, power, revolution, strategy, system.Abstract
The article represents an attempt to deal with those events that are now taking place in Ukraine. Certain historical retrospective of last year`s Ukrainian history must make their origin more understandable. Based on this retrospective, author does not try to do the final categorical conclusions, but only offers a certain logic of questioning. Such a methodological approach, on the one hand, allows unusual and, in some sense, unpopular way to look at Ukrainian today, and on the other, it seems that he has some heuristic advantages. So, I hope that the philosophical understanding of the Ukrainian realities will help and pragmatic better understand what is happening, and will allow you to make the right decisions, even in the toughest conditions.
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The average salary in Ukraine in October increased by 0,8% - to 3509 UAH, Statestat, available at: http://www.planetoday.com/sredniaia-zarplata-v-ykraine-v-oktiabre-vyrosla-na-0-8-do-3509-grn-gosstat/. (rus).
20% of soldiers of the volunteer battalions are cashing in on the war - Kikhtenko, available at: http://zn.ua/UKRAINE/20-boycov-dobrovolcheskih-batalonov-nazhivayutsya-na-voyne-kihtenko-164784_.html. (rus).
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