Peculiarity of understanding of truth within traditional and active approaches




truth, Being, active worlview, traditional consciousness, unconcealment, cognitive strategies, Good, discursive thinking


The present article focuses on the problem of understanding of truth during different historical stages. Special attention is paid to the transition from archaic worldview to active approach which implies substantial changes in relationship between the world and human beings. Plato's allegory of the cave is chosen as a perfect illustration of a new vision of truth that combines traditional and original elements. The author emphasizes the specific of three basic approaches to the truth outlined by Plato. The possibility of direct disclosure of truth, mostly known as Heidegger's unconcealment, becomes displaced by other conception of truth as a result of knowledge. The idea of the Good as a universal source of light deeply influences on the refusal of traditional conceptions of truth. The coexistence of various cognitive strategies represents an important factor for development of discursive thinking of ancient people. Such transformation also concerns the understanding of Being, liberated from existential intuitions. There is a strong bond between the evolution of understanding of truth and the reconsideration of the problem of Being according to active approach. Existential experience is considered to be a connecting-link between conceptual thinking and objective world. Existential consciousness plays a central role in the creation of an effective model of human subjectivity.

Author Biography

Leonid Solonko, Institute of philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD in Philosophical sciences, senior researcher


Gilson Étienne (2004), Being and essence in: Favorites: Christian Philosophy, Rossiiskaia politicheskaya entsyklopediia, Moscow, pр. 321-582 (rus).

Kant Immanuel (1964), Critique of Pure Reason in: Works in 6 volumes, Vol. 3, Mysl, Moscow, pр. 69-756 (rus).

Platon (1971), The State in: Works in 3 volumes, Vol. 3, Mysl, Moscow, pр. 89-454 (rus).

Martin Heidegger (1993), Being and Time, Respublika, Moscow, 447 p. (rus).



How to Cite

Solonko, L. (2015). Peculiarity of understanding of truth within traditional and active approaches. Skhid, (1(133).


