A look at the historiography of the USSR policy with regards to the evangelical churches between 1940's through 1960's
historiography, religious policy, Evangelical churches, Evangelical Christians-Baptists, Pentecostals, Seventh Day Adventists, Council for Religious Affairs, AUCECB, AUCSDAAbstract
The issue of religious policy of USSR with regards to the Evangelical churches during the period of 1940's through 1960's has been studied by domestic and Western scholars throughout the years, and the topic still remains relevant among modern researchers. For a long period of time the research of the local scholars was influenced by the Soviet ideology and Marxist methodology. Unlike the Western historiography, which followed an evolutionary way of progression, accumulating the acquired material and presenting deeper and more thorough assessments of the events, the domestic historiography has undergone a path of significant transformations. The article examines the three stages of development of the domestic historiography of the USSR religious policy on the Evangelical churches between 1940's through 1960's: classic Soviet historiography; historiography of the "Perestroika" and modern period; post-Soviet historiography. The article also offers a fairly detailed overview of the scientific achievements of the members of Western historiography who have studied this problem. A special attention is given to the most recent vector of the scientific thought - confessional historiography, which emerged at the end of 1980's and saw a significant development in the first decades of the 21st century.
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