Collegiate projects UAS - VUAN. "Biographical dictionary Ukraine figures"




Academy of Sciences, Encyclopedia, biography, publications, publication


The article outlines the processes and events that led to the creation of "Biographical Dictionary of Workers of Ukraine." Characterized historical conditions in which resumed activity Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Posted detailed analysis of the material included in the publication. Authors publishing deals, and describe the conditions under which top officials and authors' biographical publications. " Solved objective and subjective conditions of termination of publication. The basic of this "dictionary" for encyclopedic science in general. One of the important stages of work on a similar publication of reference is the stacking register the names of persons whose biographies are logging in. This list of names were up in the Commission in 1919 he prepared on the basis of biographical information, bibliographic information, that data was entered on the card. In total, 1933 at cards was included about 200 thousand. Names on the letters AZ. A list of names to the first volume of "Biographical Dictionary of leaders of the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian lands" on the letters A and B was prepared by staff biographical Commission by the end of 1929 he is perhaps the most important result of the Commission. 

Author Biography

Stepan Borchuk, Carpathian National University Stefanik

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of World History


Bilokin S. (2006), In defense of Ukrainian heritage, art historian Theodore Ernst, Institute of History of Ukraine, Kyiv, pp. 65-71 (ukr).

Boyko O. D. (1999), Ukraine History, Academy, Kyiv, p. 297 (ukr).

Verstiuk V., Ostashko T. (2001), Stebnytskyi Peter Yanuariyovych in: Handbook of the History of Ukraine (A-Я), Genesa, Kyiv, p. 829 (ukr).

Vynnychenko V. (1990), Renaissance nation, Vol. 3, Kyiv, p. 172 (ukr).

The detailed note on the application and order the publication of figures Biographical Dictionary of the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian lands (science, literature, history, art and community. Movement) (1919), First half-year existence of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kiev and outline its work by the end of 1919, pp. 68-72 (ukr).

History of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1918-1923: Documents and Materials (1993), Kyiv, p. 277 (ukr).

Liashko S. M. [author-compiler] (2003), Standing Committee UAS - UAS for compiling biographical dictionary leaders Ukraine. 1918-1933. Documents. Materials. Research, NBUV, Kyiv, p. 5 (ukr).

Buhayeva O. Creation of Ukrainian biographical dictionary as a stage revival of historical memory of Ukrainian people, available at: (ukr).



How to Cite

Borchuk, S. (2015). Collegiate projects UAS - VUAN. "Biographical dictionary Ukraine figures". Skhid, (1(133).


