Paving a roadmap to conflict resolution and transformation in Ukraine
Ukraine, Crimea, conflict, roadmap, strategyAbstract
The article explains the approach to the transformation of Eastern Ukrainian conflict, in which the current crisis is recognized as a manifestation of deep-seated tensions. Features a two-pronged approach to achieving peace in the region: a) through the implementation of multilateral diplomacy, focused on changing aspects of the behaviour and attitudes of the parties to the conflict; b) by creating a body of restorative justice on the type of the South African Committee of truth and reconciliation. Suggested by the author strategic steps towards a peaceful end of the conflict, are: a) carrying out the decentralization reforms of Ukraine; b) the issue of Crimea by a national referendum; C) the designation of economic security as a priority the way to achieve political security; and (d) the gradual establishment of strategic alliances that will provide for Ukraine's membership in the EU but not NATO in the coming years. In his proposals author uses a large experience in this kind of problems on the conflicts on Middle East, Africa and Southern America areas.References
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