Comprehensive economic safety evaluation of entrepreneurship in the agroindustrial complex


  • Olga Karpenko Mykolaiv Interregional Human Development Institute "Ukraine", Ukraine



enterprise management, economic security business, operational risks, assessment of economic security, competitiveness


The article analyzes the competitiveness of farms and individual farms of the population in the context of the components of economic security and carried out a comprehensive assessment of the economic security of entrepreneurship in agriculture.

Theoretical foundations assessment of economic security on the basis of assessment of the real state of entrepreneurship in agriculture through a system of indicators. According to the above described criteria for determining levels of economic security were identified and ranged integrated assessment of economic security business in agribusiness during the study period, which is convenient to analyze the change for a number of dynamic.

According to the standard value of the integral indicators of economic security of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector in during the study period is at a critical level, that is in a state of absolute vulnerability to threats, is a consequence of the crisis and the unstable state policy in Ukraine. This situation requires the efforts of state and business entities for effective measures to improve the economic security of entrepreneurship in agriculture.

Author Biography

Olga Karpenko, Mykolaiv Interregional Human Development Institute "Ukraine"

Senior Lecturer of the Economics and Entrepreneurship Department


Borysovskyi D., The effectiveness of state financial support for farmers, available at: (ukr).

The activities of small businesses in 2008: stat. Coll. (2009), State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, Kyiv, 167 p. (ukr).

Activity of small businesses in 2009: stat. Coll. (2010), State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, Kyiv, 185 p. (ukr).

The activities of small businesses in 2010: stat. Coll. (2011), State Statistics Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, 204 p. (ukr).

Activities of small businesses in 2011: stat. Coll. (2012), State Statistics Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, 190 p. (ukr).

Activities of small enterprises by 2012: stat. Coll. (2013), State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, Kyiv, 162 p. (ukr).

Activities of small enterprises 2013 year: stat. Coll. (2014), State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, Kyiv, 180 p. (ukr).



How to Cite

Karpenko, O. (2015). Comprehensive economic safety evaluation of entrepreneurship in the agroindustrial complex. Skhid, (1(133).


