Justification of the choice strategy to ensure efficiency of innovative projects





strategy, innovation strategy, effectiveness, costs, innovative project, strategy to ensure efficiency


The paper study methodological principles of choice strategy to ensure the effectiveness of the innovation project. Overview most common approaches to defining the essence of the concepts of "strategy" and "innovation strategy". The strategy for the company means a set of rules, techniques and methods by which the goal is achieved, solve specific problems and shared resources. Strategy innovation strategy includes ensuring the effectiveness of an innovative project that a radical means to achieve the goal of innovation in highly uncertain outcomes and risks, which is to receive mainly economic effect. The author definition of the "strategy of ensuring the effectiveness of the innovative project", which is as follows: a set of measures on location, distribution and coordination of resources throughout the life cycle of innovation needed for economic benefit. The algorithm for choosing a strategy to ensure the effectiveness of the innovation project, the key is to analyze factors influencing the amount of costs from the position adopted by a particular decision, and a set of values which define a strategy. The proposed scientific and methodical approach to the selection of priority strategies to position vytratnosti is an efficient, since the group considers various factors influence the amount of costs and can now be used for the intended economic effect. The chosen strategy allows realistic assessment of the economic opportunities of the project, to ensure maximum utilization of innovative potential and minimize the negative consequences of the risks of innovation.

Author Biography

Kateryna Khudoba, Makiivka Economic and Humanitarian Institute

Assistant of the Accounting and Audit Department


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How to Cite

Khudoba, K. (2015). Justification of the choice strategy to ensure efficiency of innovative projects. Skhid, (6(132), 47–53. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2014.6(132).36454


