Features of management invested enterprise





investments, management, budgeting system, investment management


Amounts of investing of Ukrainian companies were analyzed. It was concluded that the amounts decreased. Consequently, there is a need to stimulate the effective usage of investments aimed at the realization of target projects within a mechanism of company effective management.

Key directions of an activity within the investment stimulation of a company were emphasized.

The article suggests using a budgeting system as an instrument of management of the investment stimulation. The budgeting system provides a sustainable financial and economic position of financial responsibility centers, scientifically substantiated distribution of investment resources among them, monitoring factual figures of budgets of financial responsibility centers, and analysis of deviations in the process of their realization and reasons of their appearance.

The main principles of construction of the budgeting system encompass determination of innovations (investments) as an object of budgeting, formation of information on an innovation and investment activity within the budgets, usage of the information to make strategic and tactical managerial decisions, including innovation and investment costs in the budgets according to cost and responsibility centers, provision of formation of information on the innovation and investment activity through the usage of analytical items of the budget, representation of innovations (investments) according to items of the budget in interrelation with accounts for certain objects (types), and estimation of the efficiency innovation and investment activities represented in a budget of a company.

The article determines a chain of organizational activities used to build a company management system on the basis of the budgeting system, which contain: synthesis of documents determining a process of preparation and bringing figures of the budgets into coherence with each other (horizontal budget management), formation of principles of calculation of financial responsibility center budget incomes, which will be used to finance the activities aimed at its development and at the development of a company in general (vertical budget management), determination of a set of competences of a company staff enabling the staff to assume responsibility regarding the realization of the activities related to formation, coherence, accounting, and control over attaining general figures of a company budget.

Peculiarities of each element of the organizational activities were considered.

Author Biography

Olena Plakhotnik, Dneprodzerzhinsk state technical University

doctor of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and organization of production


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How to Cite

Plakhotnik, O. (2015). Features of management invested enterprise. Skhid, (6(132), 25–29. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2014.6(132).36008


