Participation of the municipal self-government of Katerynoslav in the development of secondary education at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century




Katerynoslav, city self-government, city council, budget, education, gymnasium, real school, historical memory


The article examines the involvement of Katerynoslav's municipal self-government in the development of secondary education during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was found that municipal institutions in Katerynoslav began directly contributing to secondary education relatively late, primarily due to the constraints of the municipal budget. The study highlights that, under existing legislation, the establishment of women's gymnasiums was the most feasible field for municipal self-governments to implement educational initiatives in secondary education. Organizing such gymnasiums enabled municipal bodies to actively participate in managing educational institutions. The research demonstrates that the women's pro-gymnasium, which was later upgraded to a full gymnasium, serves as a prominent example reflecting the challenges faced by municipal self-governments in advancing secondary education. This case also vividly illustrates the process of acquiring valuable experience, thereby enriching the historical memory of educational development. The primary funding source for both the pro-gymnasium and the gymnasium was tuition fees. Significantly, the most substantial progress in municipal women's secondary education occurred after 1907, when Katerynoslav's municipal self-government, benefiting from new budgetary revenues, facilitated the operation of three women's gymnasiums and one real school. These institutions were provided with dedicated facilities constructed using municipal funds. However, alongside these positive developments, challenges emerged, including increased individual tuition fees for female students in Yekaterinoslav and occasional refusals of admission due to limited vacancies.


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How to Cite

Korobka, V., & Korobka, Y. (2024). Participation of the municipal self-government of Katerynoslav in the development of secondary education at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. Skhid, 6(4), 59–68.