The influence of social networks on the construction of historical memory
historical memory, social networks, post-truth, information influence, conscientious war, conflict, cyberspaceAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the modern social networks’ impact on the content and form of historical memory as a social and personal phenomenon. The author proposes to consider the historical memory presented in social networks as a certain graph of a fractal nature, that is, one that can contain other graphs as elements. This consideration permits to single out two fields of historical memory’s consideration in social networks: the influence of the historical narrative on the elements of the graph, as well as its influence on the connections between these elements. The author considered the effects of post-truth, timelessness, polarization, forgetting or distortion of the memories’ space, which arise due to the influence of social networks’ memories. It is shown that these effects can arise not only as a result of the social network actors’ deliberate actions, but also as a result of the networks’ principles themselves. They can also influence both the content of the conceptual memory framework and the very elements present in the community's memory.
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