Scientometric research of the migration waves of Ukrainian scientists at the beginning of the XXI century




scientific migration, bibliometric and scientometric research, bibliometric technologies, migration processes in Ukraine


The article contains the results of a scientometric assessment of the current state of scientific migration processes in Ukraine. Their features and main trends were identified, methodical approaches to their fixation and consolidation of the obtained data in national bibliometric systems were formed using methods of source studies and analysis of scientific publications on the researched topic, as well as methods of statistical, comparative and structural analysis. The sources of data for the research were the international multi-subject databases of scientific publications, Web of Science, Scopus, as well as the multidisciplinary registrar of unique scientific identifiers ORCID, the Scopus SCImago Journal & Country Rank indicator (for evaluating the scientific weight of publications) and the information-analytical system "Bibliometrics of Ukrainian science". The authors found that the phenomenon of scientific migration is constantly present in all periods of Ukraine's existence, and one of its consequences is the decline of the country's intellectual potential, marked by the deterioration of scientometric indicators of the activity of domestic science. At the same time, the positive consequences of intellectual migration have also been recorded, in particular, the conduct of scientific research in the conditions of emigration, which could not be carried out in the scientist's homeland, the increase in the knowledge of Ukrainian scientists and their demand, stimulation of the development of science in general. When analyzing the functionality of bibliometric and scientometric databases for monitoring changes in the affiliations of domestic scientists, the advantages of the ORCID registry as a source database for conducting scientometric studies of migration processes were revealed. The concept of a general approach to recording and evaluating the phenomenon of scientific migration of domestic scientists by national bibliometric systems is proposed, which should involve a combination of the citation-numerological scientometric approach with expert conclusions.


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How to Cite

Kostenko , L. ., Kopanieva , V., Hryhorevska, O., Zhabin, A. ., & Kubko, A. . (2024). Scientometric research of the migration waves of Ukrainian scientists at the beginning of the XXI century. Skhid, 6(3), 65–71.



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