The religious factor of national self-identification in the context of digital transformation




national identity, religious identity, Ukrainian national character, Ukrainian national religiosity, Ukrainian migrants, social networks, religious and cultural values


The article is devoted to the analysis of the religious factor’s peculiarities of national self-identification in the context of digital transformation. The relevance and novelty of the study lies in the actualization of the problem of the real state and potential possibilities of preserving national and religious identity by Ukrainian migrants using the Internet in the conditions of a full-scale Russia’s invasion to Ukraine. The role of the religious factor in the formation of the Ukrainian people’s national self-identification is analyzed. It is noted that the study of identity can also include the analysis of using language, symbols, religious rites and other cultural manifestations that affect the perception of self and others by Ukrainians. Characteristic features of the Ukrainian national character are identified - peacefulness, disinclination to aggression and violence, high appreciation of one's inner freedom. The role of religious identity as a means of counteracting psychological trauma caused by war is determined. The challenges and dangers to national and religious-cultural identity that Ukrainian migrants face are analyzed. Internet communities of Ukrainian religious denominations in social networks, their fields of activity and fields of constructive activity for the preservation of national and religious-cultural identity by Ukrainian migrants are characterized.


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How to Cite

Alekseienko , O. . (2024). The religious factor of national self-identification in the context of digital transformation. Skhid, 6(2), 51–56.