Conceptual approaches to the formation the mechanism of enterprises social responsibility stimulation


  • Natalia Ohorodnikova Pryazovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine



social responsibility, sustainable development of the enterprise, incentive mechanism of social responsibility, incentives of social responsibility, model of corporate strategy, criteria for assessing effectiveness


The article defines the economic content of the enterprise social responsibility incentive mechanism, the concept of its perfection. There are formulated the purpose and objectives of the proposed mechanisms, sounded principles of its formation. As tools of the enterprise social responsibility incentive mechanism, it is advised to use: methods of corporate social responsibility stimulating, a model of corporate strategy in the context of implementing the practice of social responsibility in the activities of enterprises, the criteria assessing the efficiency of social responsibility stimulation financial mechanism. There is substantiated the scope of the stimulation methods depending on the level of the enterprise social responsibility. The proposed system of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise social responsibility incentive mechanism is based on the use of such indicators as: the elasticity of demand with respect to social spending; income elasticity with respect to social spending; index of the social activities expenses dynamics.

Developed recommendations to improve the enterprise social responsibility incentive mechanism include: the establishment of the legislative requirements of enterprises in the social and environmental spheres; authority formation in the executive branch to implement the incentive mechanism of corporate social responsibility; establishing a minimum level of social responsibility of business; encouraging companies to disclose data; development of corporate conduct codes; the use of indicators of social responsibility evaluating the enterprises activity.

Author Biography

Natalia Ohorodnikova, Pryazovskyi State Technical University

Graduate student


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How to Cite

Ohorodnikova, N. (2014). Conceptual approaches to the formation the mechanism of enterprises social responsibility stimulation. Skhid, (1(127).


