Communicative products of social networks and the Internet as a social glue in times of social crises and disasters




communicative product of social networks and the Internet, "social glue", social bonding, "counter-knowledge", hype techniques, social deprivation, social trauma, information content, myth-creating component of the message, media literacy, informational culture


The article presents the quantitative and qualitative impact of social networks and the Internet products on social bonding during crises and disasters. The study is based on the data of psychological experiments, the results of sociological research and various models of news broadcasting and presents consideration about the nature of this impact. In particular, it is shown that informal communication, being a "social glue", has been replenished with new powerful communication channels due to the development of Internet technologies. Despite such an important characteristic as unverified information and other features of counter-knowledge, these channels are massively used by people, thus, according to the author, their communicative and informational products can be studied regarding the possibilities and conditions their expansion and heuristic ability, so they can be analyzed as a factor of social bonding. It has been proven that informal communication in its massive forms are activated in situations of social crises and disasters, because the users are traumatized, often lose control, plunge into a state of social deprivation and need constant communication with like-minded people in similar circumstances. In this way, the community is bonding by social glue by overcoming common problems, and relevant information products and their rapid sharing by the Internet contribute to this. The very information content of for the informal communication through social networks and the Internet allows people to explain reality better and "modify" or alter its representation to a more comfortable one. It has been proven that such factors as "cognitive simplicity" of the information content, its myth-producing component and the high status of an addressee of a message contribute to this. The article also outlines considerations on how people could be taught to navigate the information and choose those products of social networks and the Internet that not only glue community together, but also unite it on the basis of real knowledge. People should be taught to approach information messages critically, to understand the nature and properties of media messages, their communicative and destructive influences. Media literacy and critical thinking could be very helpful in these situations as they facilitate informational culture, teach media literacy, increase personal self-confidence, help people shape their own view of reality and consciously choose partners for constructive communication.

Author Biography

Halyna Tymofieieva, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University



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How to Cite

Tymofieieva, H. (2024). Communicative products of social networks and the Internet as a social glue in times of social crises and disasters. Skhid, 6(1), 61–67.