Digital culture in scientific libraries




digital culture, information culture, digital citizenship, digital competences, digital security, digital education, digital rights


The article reveals the main areas of higher education institutions scientific librar-ies’ work in the field of forming the youth digital culture and ensuring the basic prin-ciples of digital citizenship. The relevance and novelty of the research lies in clarify-ing the need for constant improvement of digital culture in its relationship with digital citizenship in the modern educational space with the involvement of the scientific libraries’ experience. The research methodology is based on a combination of com-parative analysis, systematic, heuristic and logical methods of scientific research. The essential features of information culture, digital culture and the culture of knowledge management in the modern educational space are analyzed, in particular, the dynamics of knowledge management in higher educational institutions stimulate students to exchange experience and knowledge not only within the boundaries of one educational institution, but also in the network educational space in general. Digital technologies provide effective communication in the network public space and create prerequisites for successful professional and personal self-realization of a person. It is noted that the formation of digital culture is based on the develop-ment of digital competences, as a dynamic combination of knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, views, other personal qualities in the field of information, communication and digital technologies for communication, personal development, learning, work, participation in social life. The main features of digital citizenship are defined as the awareness of universal cultural and social issues related to technolo-gies, the formed practice of legal and ethical behavior; safe, legal and responsible use of information and technologies; demonstration of a positive attitude towards the use of technology, that support collaboration, learning and productivity; a sense of responsibility for one's lifelong learning; commitment to intellectual honesty; re-spect for different cultures and societies in the virtual environment and the preserva-tion of personal information. The Conclusions emphasize the worldview component of digital culture, which contributes to a change in thinking style based on new digital competencies. In the conditions of globalization challenges of modern times, the formation of digital culture of youth contributes to ensuring information security not only of an individual, but also of society as a whole.


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How to Cite

Lomachinska, I., Lomachinskyi, B. ., & Rykhlitska, O. (2024). Digital culture in scientific libraries. Skhid, 6(1), 43–49.