Background and developing varieties of seed-management Tsukrotrestu




cultivar, Tsukrotrest, network selection, seed, sugar industry, research fields


Organization Variety-seed management Tsukrotrest in Ukraine in the 20s of XX century played an important role in the development of national agricultural research business in Ukraine. His work has been linked not only to the coordination of a network of specialized research fields and plants, but also was to provide professional expertise and scientific software subordinate structures. Through the organization of congresses figures varietal - seed business, general publishing, discovery of special high breeding and seed rate research and their practical implementation in selected institutions were carried out joint programs, coordinated tasks in close cooperation. Methodologically coordinated activities involving leading scientists, professors of Agricultural Sciences contributed to rebuilding agriculture after the First World War and the Civil War and the development of not only the sugar industry, but also the entire research business in Ukraine. It laid the foundation for the further development of scientific testing of our country.

Author Biography

Oleh Zakharchuk, National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Zakharchuk, O. (2014). Background and developing varieties of seed-management Tsukrotrestu. Skhid, (5(131).


