Youth in war: psychological experiences, migration plans, self-realization




youth, full-scale war, self-realization, future plans, migration sentiments, uncertainty


The scientific article is dedicated to studying the impact of the full-scale invasion on the youth of Ukraine, specifically synthesizing the psychological experience of war among youth both in Ukraine and abroad. Based on nationwide sociological surveys conducted in 2023, opinions have been formed regarding the migration plans of youth, volunteering intentions, and visions of personal and career self-realization. This study utilizes secondary analysis of data from sociological research conducted by Kantar, the analytical center Cedos, and the research agency "Info Sapiens." The article provides suggestions and practical recommendations for engaging Ukrainian youth in the process of Ukraine's recovery and facilitating its adaptation to the new challenges of the post-war period. Fundamental and emotionally charged aspects of the war's impact on young people are identified, and innovative approaches are developed to improve the current state of interaction between the state and youth. Attention is drawn to the necessity of creating favorable conditions by the state to stimulate employers to hire young people, implementing programs for paid internships and professional mentoring with opportunities for further employment, simplifying the financing and taxation system for youth businesses, as well as creating a program to incentivize the return of youth who left Ukraine due to the war.


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How to Cite

Cheromukhina, O. (2024). Youth in war: psychological experiences, migration plans, self-realization. Skhid, 6(1), 37–42.