The anthropological dimension of the environmental concept of catholicism in the conditions of the global challenges of today
integral ecological concept of Catholicism, ecocide, Catholic anthropological paradigm, ecological culture, ecological consciousness, ecological mentality, ecological crisis, ecological challengesAbstract
The modern progress of human civilization, the active development of engineer-ing and technology, the integration of artificial intelligence into human life actualize the importance of answering the question of what the ecological concept of Catholi-cism should be as part of the Catholic anthropological paradigm. The relevance of environmental issues is reinforced by a large-scale war, which not only brings a se-ries of ecological disasters not only in the territory of Ukraine, but also spreads far beyond its borders. The article examines the need for philosophical reflection on the ways out of the modern ecological crisis through the inclusion of the ecological concept in the personalistically conditioned Catholic anthropological paradigm.
The purpose of the study is to reveal the specificity of the Catholicism ecological concept in the context of the Catholic anthropological paradigm and its efficiency in overcoming the modern ecological crisis. To realize the purpose, it is necessary to reveal, first, the content of the anthropocentrism of the Catholic anthropological paradigm; secondly, the axiological dimension of the Catholic ecological paradigm; thirdly, the implementation of axiological, economic, social and humanitarian factors in the Catholic ecological concept; fourth, etization of ecological consciousness. The methodological basis of the article is hermeneutic, behaviorist, comparativist and systemic-structural methods of scientific knowledge. The elements of scientific novelty are, firstly, the further in-depth development of the Catholicism ecological concept with signs of integrality, secondly, the personally determined search for a conscious way to overcome the modern ecological crisis, thirdly, the gradual for-mation of the ecological worldview of the individual, which includes the growth of empathy for the natural environment, understanding the possibilities of restoring nature as a result of a utilitarian approach to its resources.
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