The mechanism of the human resource management of the enterprise in modern conditions of managing




human resources, management mechanism


The matter of enterprise labor resource management explaining the enterprise's staff potential increase or reduction is considered. That is to say the problem of efficiency of staff potential employment is researched.

The author determines a general aim of the enterprise staff potential management in current terms of functioning, which refers to the purposeful performance of certain steps resulting in effective appliance. Factors of degree of staff potential and its effective appliance are determined as followed: qualified staff development; involvement of qualified professionals; optimal conditions for staff operation support.

The mechanism of unit staff potential management being able to adjust to changes in a structure of interrelated elements, production and the technological interaction organization, terms of working, the performance of professional competiveness and the staff rotation within the branches as well as between them is suggested.

Criteria of effective realization of the mechanism of staff potential management by the working efficiency increase, the staff and manager competiveness increase, the rotations possibility, the produced goods and services quality increase.

A procedure of enterprise staff rating is considered.

To motivate qualified workers of organizational and functional units of an enterprise and to stimulate them for better further working, the monitoring of their activity compensation by certain bonuses is proposed. A model of premium distribution between co-workers of functional units of an enterprise, based on the Kohonen self-organized maps method implementation, is represented.

Characteristics of informational and analytical systems of the enterprise staff potential management functioning in the unified informational environment are determined.

The implementation of proposed mechanism provides high level of the enterprise staff potential realization as well as the permanent development of labor resources during a business activity process.

Author Biography

Olena Plakhotnik, Dneprodzerzhinsk state technical University

doctor of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and organization of production


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How to Cite

Plakhotnik, O. (2014). The mechanism of the human resource management of the enterprise in modern conditions of managing. Skhid, (5(131).


