Evaluation results of integrated functioning of metallurgy by competitiveness indicators





competitiveness, innovation activity, potential, metallurgical enterprises, cluster


The article reviewed the results of operation of metallurgical Ukraine on the basis of comparison of levels of competitiveness and innovation in the enterprises. Metallurgy enterprises today operate in difficult market conditions and management needs to be improved in order to improve the results of their operations and become more competitive in today's domestic and foreign markets. The study proposed the competitiveness of leading enterprises of metallurgy Ukraine, which in the context of previous studies are grouped into seven clusters with certain features of innovation. The level of competitive steel enterprises based on the definition of the integral index of competitiveness, the calculation of which consists of the definition of integrated indicators of financial, production, marketing factors and factor prices. Calculation results competitiveness of metallurgical show that most businesses and has high reference level of competitiveness, providing a high level of solvency, business activity, enterprise profitability. In terms of innovation potential metallurgical enterprises are characterized by potentials at the stage of depression, recession and progression. A matrix determines the stage of the life cycle of metallurgical integrated according to the competitiveness and innovation activity. The combination of assessing the competitiveness of metallurgical enterprises with innovation potential analysis allowed the industry to improve business management and improves the functioning of the current market conditions. The proposed operation of the integrated assessment of metallurgical Ukraine in terms of competitiveness and innovation activity is a modern tool of innovation and enterprise development, reflecting the impact and correlation innovation potential and competitiveness in foreign and domestic markets.

Author Biography

Andriy Melikhov, Mariupol State Higher Educational Institution "Azov State Technical University"

Ph. D. in Economics, assistant professor of business economics


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How to Cite

Melikhov, A. (2014). Evaluation results of integrated functioning of metallurgy by competitiveness indicators. Skhid, (5(131). https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2014.5(131).29094


