Performance problems of regional labor service market in the context of international integration
region, legal market, the concept of quality legal services, international integrationAbstract
The research examines the current state of the market of legal services (by the example of Kharkiv Region). To date the market of legal services of Kharkiv Region is mature and features high professionalism of its participants, well-shaped market segments and positive market trends.
The author highlights some performance problems and development opportunities of the regional market in the context of international integration. They include manifestations of unfair competition, low standards of legal services (competence in foreign languages, business custom, legal records management techniques, negotiation culture etc.); numerous providers of low-quality legal services; slow introduction of client-oriented service techniques as well as lack of knowledge and skills in using marketing instruments; passivity in transition to up-to-date business models and employment of contemporary management and marketing instruments; lack of niche strategies for seizing the market; a poor level of legal culture of citizens and local businesses; migration of legal personnel to the capital; poor representation of regional companies in international ratings.
Among potential ways of dealing with the above problems the author points out the following: necessity to set up a system for improvement of legal culture of the regional population and elaborate development programs of that market segment, more effective outreach activities in the field of law; development of a regional system for skill upgrading of legal service market entities; development of a system for identification of unscrupulous providers of legal services and dissemination of relevant information; development of a regional concept of legal service quality; development and introduction of client-oriented service techniques; introduction of special training courses in marketing, management and public relations into a training program of a contemporary lawyer; development of a regional program for retaining young lawyers, which is to be tied to the first working place, traineeship, acquisition of additional skills (foreign languages, marketing, client techniques, interactive techniques, online business, advertisement, branding, strategic management) and other.
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